I’m 63 years old. I’m 63 years old. My daughter and I have a tradition. Every year, on the day before the other’s birthday, we ask the question of one other, “How old are you?” We do that because that is the last day we would ever be that age. So, today, I fully expect to hear the question. And for the very last time, on this day I can say that I am 63 years old. And I’m going to enjoy it! Every little bit of it.
I remember, before I began studying the teachings of the sages and mentors that somehow found me, I expected my 60s to be tired and sedentary. Why? Because I’d heard it all of my life. I’d hear older people talking and it was usually about what doctor they’d seen, what medications they were on, about what parts of their bodies hurt and why…I must say that I was afraid to get old. It looked like hell and sounded even worse. Even people my age talked about “back in my day” And they’d say things, intended to be funny, but they are were making a statement, even to themselves. Statements that began “At our age” and then they’d finish with something about weakness or the good old days. I’m not buying those thoughts. I’m not thinking them and I’m definitely not sharing any of that with others. Today, as I got out of bed, I found that this body of a 63 year old feels pretty darn good. The first thing I did was go outside, barefooted (sorry mom) and look for that darn star…just in case I could see it. I couldn’t. I saw lots of stars but none that looked unusually large or like the pictures I’ve seen. Guess I’ll just have to look at the pictures. No biggie. You know what I don’t like? Cold feet. Where are my new fuzzy red socks? I love those!
I just had my morning brew and I can’t deny the intent of my love letter today. I thought about it as I opened my eyes this morning. It’s about getting another year older. It’s about our words, about others and about ourselves that change everything. I’m living proof. That’s why I want to share what I’ve learned.
The first time I heard the words, “Thoughts Become Things” I thought it was crazy talk. How can thoughts become things? Yet, after studying everything about it that I could get my hands on, I gave it a try. I mean, things weren’t going very well, and well, maybe I was the cause. So…. No more self-deprecating comments. No “jokes” about being fat, or slow, or old, or any other self-diminishing things that I’d previously said. And while I was at it…because Karma is only a bitch when I am….no more comments about others, either. My goal from the birth of my understanding about such things is to guard my thoughts and my words, to create a better day and life, not only for me, but for everyone that I meet. Each and every time I begin a statement with the words “I am” I know that I have to be very careful by how I finish that sentence. I can be thinking “I am so tired”…but if I were to say those words….my mind and subconscious mind hears them and creates it. So, I stop in mid-sentence and I change course….and I finish the statement with “so excited and happy…I have all of the energy that I need” Then, I may skip to the studio…or run a few steps. Why not! It works! Or “I am so”….and I’d been thinking that I was angry…but in order to change my day for the better, I’ll finish it with “much better now that I’m over being angry.” Because, being angry never served me in my desire to have a great day. The amazing thing is that it works for me. Every “I am” is a creation. Finish that statement with something that you want to be experiencing. Change the course of negative thoughts. How your day goes is up to you. How you act and react are choices that you make. The words that you say are first thoughts that you think. Chase bad thoughts away and fill your senses with things that make you better. You live your day and life one second at a time. I want to continue creating a life that feels like mine does. And when I have bad thoughts about me, I stop them. Bad thoughts become bad things. And if I don’t like something about me, then I should change it. We all can do that. But my god, stop putting yourselves down….not even in your thoughts. Our bodies are what carry our souls around…let’s be nice.
It’s been a challenge for me not to react negatively to current world events. I mean, REALLY challenging…and some days, for a while there, I’d forgotten that the taste in my mouth, as I spoke, was hatred. It solved nothing. I thought things that I’m not proud of…and I know why my heart was hurting. When I thought those things, it helped absolutely no one. Especially, not me. When I write these love letters I do it for myself, too. They are a reminder of what I know for sure. And I do know that hatred doesn’t change our world for the better. Only love can do that. These letters help me to create loving feelings of hope and understanding. They’re meant to create a soft place where forgiveness happens, even as I forgive myself. It’s meant to be a place where old feuds are left on the battlefield and where we all become ever cognizant of the brevity of our lives. It’s great to be 63 for the last time today. It truly does. Bring on 64!!!