As soon as I opened my eyes I just knew it was going to be a wonderful day. It was 5:30 am and I’d gotten just enough rest. I didn’t count the hours...because I knew better than to do that. I knew I’d gotten the perfect amount of sleep by deciding it.  I’m sure we’ve all done it. I would wake up in the morning, calculate how many hours I’d slept and decide how I felt by how large or small that number was. Too many times I’d wake in the middle of the night and forecast my level of fatigue and exhaustion for the next day and surely I’d wake the next morning to fulfill my own prophecy. The first words out of my mouth on those mornings were, “I’m so tired.” All before I’d even gotten out of bed!!!  And I’d heard myself say every word that I had thought and that I’d said. 

 YES, I WAS tired!  I was SO DAMN TIRED… and I’d instantly feel every muscle begging to just go back to bed.

I’d been dooming myself to sluggish days, devoid of energy and excitement, just arduously dragging my feet through the hours until I could get horizontal and go back to sleep.  What a pathetic waste of a day. I decided to try my own advice and when I was tempted to think “I’m so tired”, I’d stop myself.  I would get the words “I am” out of my mouth and then…..because I know that thoughts become things…would revise the thought. Dragging my way through an entire day is not my idea of fun. There is just not enough joy in it for me…so I went back to my affirmations to save my thoughts and my words and ultimately my day. Now, on days like today, I open my eyes, open my heart and say things like, “Today is so full of opportunity and all of my dreams are coming true! I feel like a million bucks and I’m so thankful! I’m so excited to start this day and I’m going to share the love every chance that I get. Thank-you!!!! Thank-you!!! THANK-YOU!!!” Starting the day like this will surely help me, though, for years, I’d doubted its effectiveness.

At first, it seems like I was just lying. I mean, I WAS feeling tired….why lie about it?  The answer…is pretty easy. When I say I’m Tired!  I actually can feel it..TIRED!  When I say I feel great!!! I can feel that too!!!!  When someone says, “I suffer from”…whatever their ailment is…their subconscious believes it and they feel worse and worse. Instead of having a headache…they declare that they suffer from headaches…thoughts become things…and yup, they suffer from headaches.

When someone talks about their ailments all of the time, it doesn’t help them or anyone that hears it. After a while both people are feeling bad.   I’ve known people that have had crippling diseases, but no one would know it.  They know that thoughts become things and they want to feel better. So they focus on things that feel good and not too much on things that make them feel bad. If thinking about ailments would help the person to feel better, I’d be glad to ask all about every detail…but because it doesn’t help, I try to change the subject. Two people have arthritis in their hands…one person rubs their hands and describes the pain…the other rubs in some cbd and does the best they can, with no mention of it… Which one has a better day?  When someone asks how I’m doing my response is quick and is as real as breath!  I’m doing GREAT!  And I am!  I decide it.  Before my feet hit the floor. I’m thanking my angels for every blessing and I’m looking forward to what comes next. These life lessons have been shared with me by so many teachers…and they all seem to have found me at just the right time. I still have bad days…but that’s on me. I know better. Each day I try to do better and I try to share what I’ve learned with anyone that wants to know.

So, today, may your wishes come true. Today, may you find some way to help someone else. May your days be filled with love and light. May your physical and spiritual bodies seek and find what makes you whole.   Today I am healthy and happy and filled with joy and I hope that you are too. I mean its Friday, after all.