I woke up smiling. I have no idea what I dreamed of last night, but it woke me up with a smile.  I love that when that happens. I laid there trying to remember any part of my dreams…there was nothing.  Oh well, guess I’ll keep the smile and carry on. Today is Monday. I’ve planned for this day since the first day of 2021. I’ve had so much fun over the holidays…I mean SO MUCH FUN! And I knew I’d have to pay up eventually…and today that day. Today is the day I get started. I have eaten anything that even looked like a cookie….and tried every pretty cocktail, holiday themed concoction and craft beer that was offered, presented, or purchased.  It’s been a great ride, let me tell you. I slid out of 2020 only to be standing upright and ready to get on with a heathier version of life. Hello 2021!!!  I’m actually looking forward to being more accountable and to eating healthy and delicious food. And best of all…bathing suit season won’t be something to dread. I plan to fully participate in all things summer, when it finally arrives.

There is something about being able to decide what I want for myself that excites me. Planning meals, finding time to move in ways that will test my muscle memory…all of it makes me feel so much better. I do know that when I eat well, I feel well. I even love grocery shopping when I have a plan in place.  And there’s nothing in my day that makes me feel deprived. I know how to do this. I’ve done it before. And when I’m where I want to be, feeling as I want to feel, I am proud of my choices and get a brand new wardrobe on the way…because there’s so much in my closet that  is practically brand new…I will be ready for Spring and will jump up and down (literally) when summer arrives.

So while I’m on this subject I really have to say that there is a secret to the whole Getting Back into Shape way of living.  I remember too many times for so many years, I would stand before my full length mirror and actually hate myself, hate my body, and I’d begin to bully myself over the choices that I’d made. I’d hide or look away….after staring at my imperfect physical body. One day, while standing there, I noticed that I’d never even looked into my own eyes. I wondered why?  Maybe I didn’t want to see the hurt that lived in there.  I’d inflicted so much pain, listening to my own hateful messages? I had this endless tape that I’d play any and every time that something didn’t look like it used to. I am telling you, I had lost the ability to love myself unconditionally. I would stand there, taking inventory of every bump or lump or imperfection and I was so sad and so angry…loathing this body that has been carrying my soul around for so many years.  Well, enough! There was no joy in it when my whole focus was on my physical and I’d grown tired of the disappointment…and so I decided to allow my spirit to drive the boat. The secret lies in what happened next.

I knew that affirmations worked on every other thing in my life. So I decided to allow it to work here, too. 

I am whole and I am willing. I have everything that I need and I can’t wait to begin this day. I am healthy and happy and proud to make only those choices that will serve me. I am strong and I am grateful for this body that loves me enough to keep on working and trying and continues to beat my heart. I am so grateful for this day and for this body and for the love that fills me up. Let this day find joy in hidden places.  I love you!  You’ve got this!!!!

And so now, it’s ON!  And truly, I am excited. It always amazes me what my body does…it’s a reflection of the choices that I make.  I will choose wisely. I won’t spend much time in front of a mirror…After using the affirmations, I know that   I will love myself…always…no matter what the scale says.  It’s incredible what happens when I love the weight off. I give myself pep talks…because I deserve them. There is so much more to this life than the numbers on the scale.

When there are so many things all around us that we cannot control…or remedy…this is one thing that we all can do. We can strive to be our best selves. And we can do it joyfully, without negative scrutiny.  When we look in the mirror, we can focus on what is possible and we can find something to love. It’s not that hard. Seeing my mother looking back at me in the morning mirror, reminds me of the love she has for me…what could I possibly hate about that? Seeing my not-so-perfect body, standing there naked and trusting, I choose to love it for everything that it is.  Willing, able, flexible (enough), and strong.  A body that has given birth to two people that light up this world. A body scared by glass cuts, by the rocks as I slid into home base, by stretch marks and from who knows what else…So, no, it’s not perfect…but I will tell you what it is-it is  more than willing to give it a go! When I say jump, it wants to know how high.  It wants to be in motion and stay in motion and it’s mine…it’s a part of me. I love it, this January 4, 2021. It’s here and I’m ready! Are you?