It’s so foggy outside and judging by how quickly Chico went out and ran back in…it must be really cold too.  I know that we have a long way to go, but I’m already homesick for warm weather.  It happens every year, too. I mean, we all know that it’s coming. The leaves hang on the trees for as long as they can…and then, in defeat, finally let go. The ground that was so supple is now so hard and unforgiving and the frozen grass cracks and crumbles beneath our feet. The layer of thick frost, intent to stay, is nearly impossible to scrape from my windshield.  I know that, since there are months of this ahead, I need to do my part to stay buoyant, and happy. It’s sometimes hard to do when it’s so gray and gloomy and unwelcoming. And it sometimes tries to seep beneath the doors as I shake off the cold.  I have to find a way not to dread it, any part of it

So, maybe it’s time for some kind of a plan. This year I refuse to be held captive by the cold. Maybe it’s time for some self-love. Have you ever noticed that when you focus on one thing, all else seems to fade? I think I’ll take advantage of that and I’ll start today. 

As a little girl I would come down the stairs in my nightgown and try to be the first one to get to the register in the dining room. It was about 12” wide and made of some thick black metal. Being barefoot and wearing a “dress” I stood there, shivering….teeth chattering…and how I loved it when the furnace would kick on and all of that glorious heat would come up and surround me in comfort….I remember so vividly, the warm air pushed so hard that it even moved my hair…how warm and cozy I felt. Mom would always come through the dining room and laugh at me, “You made it first, again!”   Yes! I did! Comfortable, by design. But she would always say the same thing…”You wouldn’t be cold if you put your socks on and got dressed before coming down.”  Yes, I knew that. But when you’re already cold from coming out from under the blankets, no one wants to put on cold socks and take off the warm nightgown to wear cold clothes.  I liked my plan better.  That floor register was glorious, and until my sisters came down, it was all mine!

Today, as I got out of bed, I had my warm slippers at the ready. God, I love my slippers. And I have a warm robe that waits for me at the end of my bed. My writing chair is poised, and my coffee is ready to share some inspiration with me. I’m warm and it feels wonderful. That’s a great place to start.  I want to wear this all day. This feeling that all is wonderful…and there’s no dread in sight. I’m the only one that can do that, I know.   I am the only one that can start my day in bliss and keep it that way until I get back into my bed.  I need to fill this day with the good stuff and focus on how that feels.

I am going out today…and I’ll warm up my car…good and toasty. I’ll find my gloves, the ones my daughter got for me for Christmas (I think) because they actually work with my phone…some magic in the fingertips. I’ll leave in plenty of time so that there is no pressure or stress of being late. I’ll plan to spend as much time as I need there so I don’t feel antsy or anxious. I have a hard time sitting still for very long…and getting my hair done seems to take SO LONG!!! She’s actually very fast and very good…so it’s me, not her.

And then, on my way home, I’ll stop for groceries. FUN!!! I’ll take my time and not forget anything. I’ll wear my mask all day and be thankful that it’s helping me and everyone around me to try to stay safe from the virus. I’ll stop for dog food, the good kind, because they deserve it. Apparently I need to cut back even more on their food….I hate to do that…but MAN!  They are FAT!

When I land back home, I’ll go into my sanctuary, studio, and play with glass, staying warm and happy and thankful that the cold didn’t get me today. Nope, not today!!! My plan is to stay busy and to focus only on the good stuff. There will be no room for misery…no room in my day for dread. To dread is to give one’s power away. And that’s not in my plan.

Dinner will be healthy and delicious, and Mark won’t even know that we’re trying to stay healthy. All part of my covert plan to live long and prosper.  May we all stay warm and well. Lets make a plan, live deliberately, and be thankful for yet another day to count our blessings. Peace.