Bliss Glass

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Chico, in his ever undaunted efforts to dig through his pillow bed until he finds carpet, was especially LOUD this morning. Maybe it was because I didn’t go to bed until after 1:00 this morning that it was especially annoying.  I knew that I wasn’t the only one fighting the urge to move him to any other room but ours because Mark  scolded, “CHICO!”  And today, being Mark’s 60 birthday, I decided to remove said irritant from our bedroom and let the birthday boy sleep a while longer.  Besides, by that point I was already awake. So, begrudgingly, I grabbed him like a football and we retired to the couch, where he instantly fell asleep…snoring.

There’s something so cozy about snuggling on the couch with the softest and fuzziest of blankets and the fattest of sleeping Chihuahuas.   It was so dark in the room and I wanted to sleep just awhile longer. My mind had other ideas and did I just see a faint colored light coming through the windows?  What a pity that would have been to sleep through that glorious sunrise. The subtle light just below the tree line turned in mere moments into a symphony of color and promise. I should have known!  There was a reason for all of this.  I’m supposed to be awake so that I didn’t miss my chance to see this day being born.

So, what to do with December 4, 2020?   I’ll start it all off by wishing my husband the happiest of birthdays. Then I’ll wait to hear the sound of my grandson bouncing up the stairs, his smile lighting up the room. I’ll be digging in the toy closet to unearth the wooden trains that Brayden played with just yesterday….wasn’t it yesterday?  And he’ll be jumping up and down, as three year old little boys do.  In anticipation and excitement he will be asking me, “Did you find them yet, Mimi?”  “Did you????”

So much joy lives here. It’s in every single moment of every single day. I’m so glad that I’m up and awake while everyone else sleeps. Noah, Beth and Jackson are sleeping off the effects of a 12 hour car ride. Chico is snoring on the couch. I’ve had my first cup of coffee and that epic sunrise was like a sacred promise of endless possibility.

Oh!!!!  I think I hear Jackson on the stairs!!! Mimi Time!!!!!  I’m so happy!!!