I held him, wrapped in his favorite blanket, walking and singing so quietly…then, quietly and deliberately we sank deeply into the overstuffed chair. The only light in the room was that of the moon…so generously given and right outside the window. I began to rock so slowly…and singing his favorite lullaby, I heard the soft breathing of a little baby boy that was back in dreamland.  I never knew what woke him on those nights…bad dreams or maybe a noise from something stirring outside? Truly, whatever it was…I’ll always be thankful for those moments…He would be standing there, in his crib, tears streaming down his perfect little face and I’d hurry to him…begging what was the matter??? I’d grab him up and hold him so close to me that he knew right away that it was all going to be okay and his crying would stop and I’d feel him relax and let go of all that held him so rigidly captive, there, alone, in his bed. It was on those nights that this mommy knew why my soul had chosen to be here…it was magic, pure and simple.

As the years flew by, there were times he would let me wrap him up in his old blanket, his legs and feet hanging out of the end of it…and we would both pretend that he wasn’t 4 years old.  And my heart would break, just a little bit, knowing that this would be one of the last times that I’d ever get to do that…holding on to him for dear life…and smelling the summer in his hair, my little boy would someday have a little boy of his own.

I wonder if my mother ever goes back in her memory and holds us again…I hope that she does.  It’s so powerful, what our minds can do when we allow them to. My memories are so clear and so strong that if you’d ask any one of my senses, they would agree that holding my babies…once again… is as real as the first time I’d held them. With their little arms wrapped around our necks, trust and love and purpose is reborn.

What wonder does this day hold?  Each moment that I live I am making more memories to either hold on to, or allow to just float away. Let’s be ever aware that although we can’t really hear the passing of time…it passes, just the same.  I look at my mother as I look in the mirror. As sure as the sun rises, the sun sets. There is an urgency that lives in my heart as it, daily, reminds me to get it all in. Eat delicious food…give the shoes away that hurt my feet, clean out the closets and give things away…lord knows I haven’t even touched that stuff in at least 7 years…. feed someone that is hungry, hug anyone that needs one. Work at something that feels like play…hold my grandbabies and make sure they feel a love so strong that they can hold on to it for as long as they live. And here’s one for you….while we’re at it…lets hold our babies, even though they have babies of their own. Let’s hold on to them even if we have to reach up to do it. Let’s get those hugs in…because we need them. I don’t mean those shoulder hugs and turned-face cheek kisses that mean people do…I’m talking about a hug that leaves no question….I love you, is what it says.  I love you so much!!!

Everyone needs a hug, no matter how rough and tough on the outside…everyone has a heart that needs to feel love. Let’s not regret one moment that we could have given something of value to someone that we love. Our time, our attention, our interest, our compassion….love. Let’s give love. It’s not like we only have a little left…we have LOTS of love to give away.  It’s like a boomerang…we give it and it turns right back around and returns to us.  We will never run out of love. So let’s spread it around! Let’s do it today….how about now. Call someone that could use a kind word and to know that we care about them. Let’s not think that we will do it tomorrow. As many people could tell you, today….there may never be a tomorrow. Shuffle the deck….what is important to you?  Don’t keep it a secret…

“Shower the People you love with love,

Show them the way that you feel…

Things are gonna be much better if you only will.”  (James Taylor)