Happy Thanksgiving
I wonder if this is how my grandma felt…I know what needs to be done and I know how to do it. Everything is right where I put it and it feels like I’ve made this Thanksgiving dinner hundreds of times…yet I know that’s not really true. The young mother that was me is tapping me on the shoulder and reminding me that it wasn’t all that long ago that I was so afraid of messing things up. I remember my mother and her sisters in grandma’s kitchen, scurrying around and never missing a beat. They all just seemed to instinctively know what to do…I wondered if I’d ever have that level of confidence in the kitchen…
I stood in the middle row; we’d been practicing for months! Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother’s house we go. The horse knows the way to follow the sleigh over the white and drifted snow….
Each grade did their own songs and I wanted our class to be so good! I was afraid I’d miss a note or forget the words…We were great and I never missed one word. I’m so glad that I still remember that song, not only the words, but the feeling I always had when we sang it.
Looking back, I wonder how many incredible moments in my life were wrapped in fear or self-doubt. And I wonder if I can hold tightly enough to this lesson to remember it the next time I feel challenged by something new. Would it be even more wonderful if I just kick fear to the curb!? Just dive right in and know that it’s going to be great!!!
Oh, I’m sure I’ll make a few mistakes as I go…at least this year, I didn’t forget to take the bags of mystery meat out of the turkey. I’ll never forget the feeling I had when my mom called (too late) to ask me if I’d remembered to do that….nope. Life is so good. I’m so grateful! Love to you and yours.