At 2:30 this morning Chico, beloved fat Chihuahua, was barking as if someone was trying to steal his dinner. For God’s Sake, BE QUIET!!! But my innermost wish wasn’t enough to even lower the volume, let alone stop him. So, begrudgingly, I disarmed the house and made my way to where Chico was sleeping, last I looked. Yes, he was still there, buried beneath his blanket, sticking his nose out just enough for us to lock eyes. I wasn’t happy and he knew it. He looked away from me like he had no idea what I was doing up at this hour of the morning. Like I had disturbed HIM. Oh well, there was nothing to be done here. He was quiet now…gee, thanks.
I don’t know about you, but once I’m awake, I tend to stay that way. I truly didn’t want to stay awake at 2:30 in the morning. I’ve made that choice before and it makes for a less than epic day as my energy would begin to wane somewhere around 4:00pm…WAY too early for bedtime. Anyway, the whole point to this story is how it was that I found my way back to sleep. I have tried the counting sheep version of getting to sleep, but that never works for me. I armed the house and, in the dark, found my bed. In my quiet desperation to sleep, I made my own version of counting sheep, and it’s because of its effectiveness that I share it with you.
Getting comfy, beneath my warm blankets I closed my eyes and made my way to the hill that was but a short walk away. The grass was so thick and plush that it made not a sound as each step got me closer to my destination. Arrived, I laid down on that soft blanket of green grass and gazed up through the boughs, seeing the fluffy, white clouds, perfectly hung in that beautiful blue sky. The breeze was blowing gently, and I could hear it. The sound that the leaves made as they swayed in the wind was so calming to me. It’s like they were holding on for dear life while they danced together on every limb. Once in a while a leaf would let go, and as it was caught in the breeze it turned and twirled and danced it’s last and I watched as it touched the ground, ready, now, to catch any rain that may come its way. As one landed another would begin its journey to the ground. In my dream, the leaves were all a part of a beautiful, synchronized dance and they would all let go, when it’s was their time. Watching them fall so softly to the ground to the symphony of sound, made possible by the trees in the breeze is what took me back to the dreams that I’d left just a few moments ago.
I woke, for the second time, this morning at 7:00am. Feeling rested and relaxed, I’m ready for everything that this day will hold. I have fun things planned and I can’t wait to get started. Chico just caught me staring at him and even though I know that he can’t speak the language (or can he???) I told him that he’s one lucky dog that my counting falling leaves worked this morning. Mark said he hadn’t heard a thing. I’m glad. No use both us up at 2:30. I just had a thought… it wasn’t all that long ago, I would just be going to bed at that hour….My God, how did I do that? And then I’d go to work by 6:00am. Ahhhh, youth. I’m glad that I lived through that part. Just look what I’d have missed. Have a great Monday. Mine is well on the way to Great-status, already.